

  1. Scatter plot
  2. Bubble plot with Encircling
  3. Scatter plot with line of best fit
  4. Jittering with stripplot
  5. Counts Plot
  6. Marginal Histogram
  7. Marginal Boxplot
  8. Correlogram
  9. Pairwise Plot


  1. Diverging Bars
  2. Diverging Texts
  3. Diverging Dot Plot
  4. Diverging Lollipop Chart with Markers
  5. Area Chart


  1. Ordered Bar Chart
  2. Lollipop Chart
  3. Dot Plot
  4. Slope Chart
  5. Dumbbell Plot


  1. Histogram for Continuous Variable
  2. Histogram for Categorical Variable
  3. Density Plot
  4. Density Curves with Histogram
  5. Joy Plot
  6. Distributed Dot Plot
  7. Box Plot
  8. Dot + Box Plot
  9. Violin Plot
  10. Population Pyramid
  11. Categorical Plots


  1. Waffle Chart
  2. Pie Chart
  3. Treemap
  4. Bar Chart


  1. Time Series Plot
  2. Time Series with Peaks and Troughs Annotated
  3. Autocorrelation Plot
  4. Cross Correlation Plot
  5. Time Series Decomposition Plot
  6. Multiple Time Series
  7. Plotting with different scales using secondary Y axis
  8. Time Series with Error Bands
  9. Stacked Area Chart
  10. Area Chart Unstacked
  11. Calendar Heat Map
  12. Seasonal Plot


  1. Dendrogram
  2. Cluster Plot
  3. Andrews Curve
  4. Parallel Coordinates

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