HowDoI - Easy Coding Tools

Hogeony 2020. 3. 28. 18:12


- if you write any question related to coding, HowDoI will answer.

- there are two methods to use HowDoI: Command-line and GUI in Windows


1. Command-line

- install:

pip install howdoi

- run:

howdoi ~~~

(where ~~~ is the question you want to ask)

- ex)

- tip) there are various programming languages;
  therefore, it is recommended to write the language you are using.

howdoi ~~~ python

2. GUI - PySimpleGUI in Windows

- install

pip install PySimpleGUI-howdoi

- run

python -m pysimplegui-howdoi.pysimplegui-howdoi


PySimpleGUI front-end to HowDoI