Solution for the error, <coroutine object Bot.send_message at 0x000002E052140F20>.

Hogeony 2023. 2. 21. 15:49

This is caused by the update of python-telegram-bot library.


When using old version,

import telegram

bot, chat_id = telegram.Bot(token='<your token>'), '<your chat id>'
bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text='<message>')

When using recent version to avoid the error, <coroutine object Bot.send_message at 0x000002E052140F20>,

import asyncio, telegram

async def sendMessage(msg):
    bot, chat_id = telegram.Bot(token='<your token>'), '<your chat id>'
    await bot.send_message(chat_id, msg)'<message>'))